We will be posting exclusively about Christmas until... well, Christmas.

Christmas is suddenly nigh, seemingly coming faster than usual this year because of twin distractions-- the quadrennial POTUS election and the unprecedented anxiety associated therewith, and 2024's especially late Thanksgiving.
Here around DANNY'S TABLE we shall seek to soothe one and all... to recall the Christmastime child that lives forever in all of us, and to re-discover the yuletide joys of food, family, and fun that tend to get buried beneath politics, football, and other things that often seem way more important than they really are.
Over the next few weeks we'll be posting more frequently than usual, with gift ideas, cooking tips, and more. But first, a sobering reminder from good friend and guest author RichB. that the delights of Christmas are not necessarily shared by all--
Nobody wants me. Nobody cares
So now here I sit on old wooden stairs
No mother to hug me, or dad to play ball
just a dimly lit room at the end of the hall
But there are my brothers and sisters they say
at least so they will be as long as they stay
And the nuns in their habits with kind loving hands
feed me and clothe me with so few demands
I work and I play, and I must go to school
‘cause the sisters say children must learn the rules
If it weren’t for them I’d live in the street
and then have to steal some shoes for my feet
And grown ups would hate me and children would too
and the meals I would eat would be scrawny and few
Maybe it isn’t so bad where I sit
these old wooden stairs just need painting a bit
Tomorrow will come and maybe some folks
to talk of a visit and tell me some jokes
They may even want me to stay overnight
If I happen to like them, I’ll tell them all right
They might have a yard with a dog or a cat
A pet of my own, I think I’d like that
If they wanted me always I think I would stay
say good-bye to the sisters and then go away
to live with the family that I never had
I’ll have to wait ‘till then, guess that’s why I’m sad
so I’ll go back to my room and hope some one calls
Its not a bad room at the end of the hall